We are an integrative Southern-CA based psychiatry & wellness practice focused on giving individuals the tools to live courageously and confidently.
Basic Information
AACAP Facts for Families / Information for parents on many topics
APA Patients & Families / Information for patients and families
CHADD / Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Child Mind Resources / Many topics to explore
NAMI / Provides information and resources about mental health
Nutrition Care / Recipes to optimize mental health
Sleep / Resources for sleep optimization
Spoken Language Disorders / American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
Team of Advocates for Special Kids (TASK) / Provides information, referrals and advocacy to help parents access community and school resources for children, teens and adults with any type of disability
Interventions & Classes
Social Thinking / Materials and programs for social communication and emotional regulation
Integrated Listening / Auditory & occupational therapy to improve executive functions associated with ADHD, learning disabilities & autism
Reading Horizons / Online program to improve reading skills
Local Resources for Parents & Kids
Kahn Academy / Courses Offered Online / Help for Parents / FREE help/tutoring for elementary through college for all subject areas
UCLA PEERS Program / Social skills program for children and teens
Karate for All / Combines karate and occupational therapy to improve emotional regulation, attention, concentration and social skills
Help for Behaviorally Challenged Children / Provides parent training groups based on collaborative problem solving
The Children's School / A school for children with difficulty reaching their academic potential in more traditional school settings primarily due to problems with attention and impulsivity
Regional Center of Orange County / Provides and arranges services for children, adolescents and adults with developmental disabilities.
OC Health Care / OC CREW: program provides early intervention services to Orange County residents between the ages of 12- 25 years old who are experiencing their first episode of psychosis with symptoms that started within the last 24 months
Tumble N’ Dots / Occupational and speech therapy program in Irvine, CA to improve executive and emotional functions associated with ADHD, learning disabilities & autism
Hoag / Teen outpatient mental health program
EB Therapy Partners / Evidenced-Based adult and teen therapy
CHOC / Pediatric mental health services individual therapy and IOP
Social Media Guidance
Social media can be a great resource and social setting, but it comes with potential for harm if used without boundaries. It can result in an excessive amount of time spent online, a disconnect from reality, and at worst an exposure to dangerous predators or bullies. These resources can help parents create a personalized plan for your family to use social media in a healthy and safe way.